Featured Reseller: Telergie

Featured Reseller: Telergie

Telergie is a broker service with a primary focus on saving businesses money on their telecommunications and energy.

Telergie is a broker service with a primary focus on saving businesses money on their telecommunications and energy.

Effective telecommunications are vital to running a successful business. With this importance in mind, many business owners simply accept high costs without question. The effort it requires for you to research your options is time consuming, often confusing and better spent running your own business. Telergie can do it all for you. We’ll find the most efficient and cost effective telecommunications solution for your business. We can certainly save you money without compromising quality of service.

Telegie provide a complete brokerage service on all telecommunications services including NBN, Fixed Line, SIP, Mobile and Internet. Telergie also specialises in Phone Systems and Cabling.

​Telecommunications and Energy services are big expenses for your business.

How do you find the best deal?

Since the deregulation of these services in Australia, the number of companies vying for your business is increasing.

  • Who really has the time and energy to compare?
  • How do you know if the latest offer is really as good as it sounds?

​Leave it to Telergie

​​In much the same way as a home loan broker or insurance broker, Telergie works to find the best deal for your telecommunications and energy needs.

Honesty & Integrity

Services selected are always chosen as the best value for your business without compromising quality. Their business is built on satisfied customers, repeat business and word of mouth recommendations.

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